

各位先進,大家好:   在全球化時代,人們跨國際的流動屢見不鮮,已然成為地球村的日常,而台灣身為海島國家,位居西太平洋交通要衝,更是匯集了包含原住民族、閩南、客家以及新住民的多元文化風貌。其中新住民及其子女人口數也超過50萬人,如何讓多元文化永續發展,並落實對文化的尊重、理解跟欣賞,是全球化時代必須思考的課題。本研討會計畫藉由國際論壇分享新住民多元文化相關經驗。除此之外,亦邀請國際學者及新住民與談,針對多元文化推廣與自身經驗進行分享交流,歡迎各位學術先進踴躍投稿,共同參與這學術饗宴。 重要訊息如下: 研討會日期:2022年10月4日(二) 09:00~17:30 研討會地點:致理科技大學綜合教學大樓8樓國際會議廳 1. 論文摘要截止日期:2022年8月22日(一) 17:00前 2. 論文摘要錄取通知:2022年8月26日(五) 17:00前 3. 論文全文截稿日期:2022年9月2日(五) 17:00前 4. 研討會開放報名:即日起至2022年9月28日(三) 來稿word檔案請寄至:wumishu@gm.chihlee.edu.tw,吳米淑老師收,「檔名:摘要_作者_題目」,並請註明投稿「2022新住民國際論壇」學術研討會。    聯絡電話:(02)2257-6167分機4201 2022 International Conference of Taiwanese New Immigrants In the era of globalization, people's international mobility is not uncommon, and it has become the daily life of the global village. As an island country, Taiwan Province is located at the traffic hub of the western Pacific Ocean, and it also brings together the multicultural features including aborigines, Minnan, Hakka and new residents. Among them, the number of new immigrants and their children also exceeds 500,000. How to make multiculturalism develop sustainably, and how to respect, understand and appreciate culture is a topic that must be considered in the era of globalization. This accounting project will share the multicultural experiences of new immigrants through international forums. In addition, international scholars and new immigrants are invited to talk with each other, and share and exchange their own experiences with regard to multicultural promotion. You are welcome to contribute actively and participate in this academic feast. Conference Information Important Dates: • Abstract submission deadline – August 22, 2022 • Review and acceptance notification –August 26, 2022 • Submission of final papers and presentations – September 2, 2022 • Conference – October 4, 2022 Submission Format Each submission must be in English and should include the following items: (1) The title (2) The name and affiliation of the author(s) (3) Contact information of the author (email and telephone number) (4) Abstract (150-200 words) (5) 3-4 keywords After receiving the acceptance notification, the authors will be given the format they should use when presenting their final papers. Any submission deviating from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of its merit. It is recommended that a regular submission begin with a succinct statement of the problem being addressed, a summary of the main results or conclusions, a brief explanation of their significance, a brief statement of the key ideas, and a comparison with related work, etc. Publication All submissions will be blind peer-reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance to conference topics, originality, significance, and clarity. Accepted and selected papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings. Please send the word file of the manuscript to: wumishu@gm.chihlee.edu.tw, "File name: Abstract_Author_Title", and please indicate the submission of the "2022 International Conference of Taiwanese New Immigrants". If there is anything unclear or need more information, please contact Tel: (02) 2257-6167 ext. 4201 for more details.